>>>I think it's time to put the mystery of all this aside and ( to paraphrase 
>>>Ange ), FIND THE MAN!!!!!!!!! I want to know as much as I can about him.<<<

It's been interesting to read all the different opinions on finding the true 
identity of Mr. Schwamp.  But you know what occurred to me today?  If Mr. 
Schwamp could read all the posts on the digest about himself and realize how 
many people have taken an interest in him, I think he would be flabbergasted!  
I mean, here's a guy who was only an extra with no spoken lines and no credits, 
a fellow who was not even young or attractive (and sported a bad toupee, to 
boot!), yet he has so captured our imaginations that we discuss him with 
regularity on the digest, more so than some of the prominent cast members, and 
are having a serious debate as to whether to take monetary contributions to 
fund an effort to uncover his identity.  Don't you think he would be absolutely 
floored??  Why, he might just sit down and bawl like a baby!  (Silently, of 

Three cheers for our beloved Mr. Schwamp!

Thelma Lou

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