I have lived in the same county where I was born for my entire 60 years, except 
for the time I had to serve in Viet Nam and Iraq for the military.  I would 
never consider living anywhere else.  But I did move off our farm and into town 
after college because I just could not stand those red dirt roads.  That red 
dirt just got into everything.
But enough of the heavy stuff, here is a trivia question.  The first time 
Goober was shown on TAGS, he did his impressions (Cary Grant, Edward G. 
Robinson) for Andy in the courthouse.  Where were Andy and Goober the next time 
Goober was shown doing his impressions for Andy? Here is a hint, it is a place 
where Andy or Goober hardly ever went.
Orville Hendricks - Selling Butter and Eggs.  I was raised way out in the 
country.  Matter of fact, our farm was so far out in the country that the sun 
set between our house and town.
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