Dear Mayberrians,
                             I'm saddened to learn Andy would've nipped an 
encounter with Hooterville in the bud.
The Taylors could've stayed at the Shady Rest (coinciding with the Clampett 
visit). Remember, a handful
of the actors from Petticoat Acres guested on TAGS (not to mention Hal Smith's 
appearance on Green
            I suggested said possible encounter and a Mt. Pilot spinoff. How 
about  writing this idea on Miss
Crump's chalkboard { or on Floyd's bulletin board)? I have rated 4 fictional 
small towns, in no particular
order, as the all time greats. They are:
          I often wondered why Floyd was a wise guy early on and sort of dumbed 
down later. Then one
day I learned of McNear's stroke. Used to think it was the writers altering the 
        Wish some mucky muck would build a replica of Mayberry!
 Yours Turly,
 Rick Eastwood
                                                                        ( down 
the road a spell from the Darlings Cabin)

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