>>>After reading Ken's wishes for a Christmas in Mayberry, many years ago after
Return to Mayberry, there was a rumor that there would be a second movie
entitled "Christmas in Mayberry".  We know that movie was never produced,
but does anyone know if a script was ever written for it?


Dear Charter member Bob, 

The only one(s) I know that were written, were one that I, and another Fan 
Fiction Writer wrote.
  You see thats where my name, the Untrained Voice Comes from..because I'm not 
a real script writer, but a Tribure Artist to the real Script Writers.
So Untrained, in this case means unoffcial.

Anyway I was wanting to alert our most recent joiners to this story for their 
enjoyment,  its about 10-11 years old now, but like most of Mayberry its fresh 
and current to the way things were then.

This story, I pictured as a 60 to 90-minute episode.  It features most, if not 
all of the major charaters, and I may have cheated time a little mixing 
characters from different seasons.  But its a mix of Drama and Comedy, and 
there is a realism to teh personalities of the characters that will make you 
think it could have happened this way.

Sit back with a cup of hot chocolate when you have some time and imagine this 
in vivid black and white as you read it.  The Unforgettable Christmas can be 
found on this website that Allan maintains.  You will see another Christmas 
Story there from another Fan Fiction writer, as well.  The best thing is..its 
free (including the typos)!  Hope a few enjoy.


(paste this into browser and scvroll down to "An unforegettable Christmas)

The Untrained Voice

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