Well, I’ve followed with interest all the talk about “The Grit.”  When I was 
just a lad (named Gritton) I had all these nicknames like  “True Grit”  
“Grit-man”  “the Grits”   “Fast Gun Grit”..the Scamp..no wait that was Barney.
Anyway I went to the library and started looking in the books from the 
historical society..and all the begatting, and Generations of Grittons,  and 
Grits,  and I discovered that I am the descendant of Nathan Tibbs..er I mean 
the guy that started “The Grit”.  The main Grit.  He’s my great great 
granddaddy on my Daddy’s side. “T Grit”   “The” is such a common first name he 
must-of went by T.
I think I followed our genealogy all the back to Great Gritton.
I know what you’re thinking..it ain’t spelled the same and only has one 
syllable, but hey eventually they had to get it right. Huh?
So… your welcome, for all those years of reading pleasure,  for all those nice 
jobs my family  provided for you sales boys.
I think I’ll just whip up a batch of Grits for breakfast, and watch the John 
Wayne version of True Grit, and read our family publication, “The Grit”, and 
then go to the new movie version of True Grit..and grit my teeth if anything is 
insulting to my family.
Gritton in Indiana
The Untrained Voice

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