>>>Andy almost used the word mollycoddling once; in Andy's Vacation he was 
>>>having a pretty bad day, and while talking to Barney he barked "I'm tired of 
>>>coddlin' these people. From now on when they break the law, it's either fine 
>>>'em or jail 'em."

Paul Mulik<<<

Paul, just a funny sidelight to this..As I reported a few days ago the actress 
who played Maudie--the woman it that Scene, was "MOLLY" Dodd.

so Andy was talking about (depending on how you look at)  it "Maudie Coddling", 
or "Molly Codling" depending on which of her names you use..I lkmow its a 
reach, but interesting.   Codling Molly..not Molly Codling.

The Untrained Voice
My education is worth every penny

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