This week Eau Claire was presented with three large sculptures by a Colorado 
artist.  One is a large marble one.  I just broke up laughing when I saw it.  I 
didn't have a clue what it is suppose to represent.  On one of the Mayberry RFD 
episodes a famous artist came to Mayberry and presented them with a large 
marble sculpture.  Because no one in Mayberry could figure out what it was 
suppose to represent they ended up donating it to the Raleigh museum.  Even the 
curator of the museum could not understand its meaning.  I just love it when we 
experience real live Mayberry moments.

I just finished registering for my seventh parade and twentieth car show for 
the squad car.  However, I am also in the process of making a summer uniform to 
wear in the parades and car shows as I am one who just does not tolerate heat 
and humidity very well and my official uniform is just to dang hot in the 
summer.  So my wife and I put together a pretty good summer replica uniform 
that is made with a short sleeve shirt and short pants.  I do have the patch 
and badge and tie and cap and gun and holster, and I am hoping that everyone 
along the parade routes will be so busy looking at my knees they won't think 
about the fact Barney never wore a summer uniform.  Hope I don't get accused of 

At the car show we were at last Sunday a nice young family was looking at the 
car and talking about my uniform.  They had the cutest little dog with them.  
When I asked the name of their dog, they said her name was "Beatrice".  Now how 
fitting is that?

"Everything is AOK in Mayberry."

Ken Anderson
Eau Claire's Mayberry Deputy
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
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