Dear Tags,
I was watching an old tv show called The Fugitives with
Robert Stack and Elizabeth Montgomery was on this 
episode in a role that earned her an Emmy nomination.
Elliot Ness was going to an apt. to see someone and 
they were not at home, then gun shots and then a lady
with her hair in curlers came running out of her apt.
saying they were gone.  It was Clara Edwards!  Hope
Summers.  I looked up imbd to see if it was her and it
was.  I then looked at her other roles in her career and
was floored at the other roles she has done with peoples
names from TAGS!  Hope Summers played these roles:
Mrs. Wylie, Ethel (2), Olive, Mrs. Beeman, Clara (2), Celia,
Ernestine Peasley, Martha (2), Mary, Miss Wakefield and
May O'Mally
Mrs. Wyle- No tea, coffee or punch, thank you.
Ethel-the lady on the school board, and Ethel-the professors
   late wife.
Olive-the waitress at the diner that has alot of kids
Mrs. Beeman- reminds me of Aunt Bee and Mr. McBeevee
Clara- Clara Edwards
Celia-How is Celia doing today? all those operations
Ernestine Peasley- reminds me of Ernest T, maybe his sister?
Martha- Emmett's wife.  Am I just one of those demanding
Mary- Can I court you out in public?  Would it be alright if I
       was to kiss ya?
Miss Wakefield- a feud is a feud
May O'Mally- Is the sun getting to you, Andy.  I told you 2 
      weeks ago, I was going to Detroit.
Helen-  Helen Crump.  C-R-U-M-P CRUMP!!!  Andy's girl.
Here is the link of Hope Summers career.
Mizzus Wiley of Sand Mt.
Kelsey's Woods-No Tresspassing!

teresa sigler
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.

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