I sorta liked Dewey's idea about posting our bios to see what we may all have 
in common (besides our love for TAGS). Since no one pooed pooed his suggestion 
here's my contribution:

Name: Robert M. (Bob) James

Age: 59

Home: Graham, N.C. (25 miles from Siler City)

Occupation: Retired (disability - 2004) physician with a law degree

Family: wife (34 years), one daughter, one grandson (he is my life)

Physical description: average height and weight with fairly long gray hair & 
occasional beard, tattoos: one for my 50th birthday

Favorite dinner (food): cornbread, silver queen corn on the cob, tomato 
sandwich made from German Johnsons AND of course Duke's Mayo, SWEET tea, 
anything Italian, beef stroganoff, mac & cheese                                 
             Favorite color: Carolina BLUE

Pets: one 3 lb. Yorkie named Abbie, one 7 lb. Yorkie named Gracie, one 100 lb. 
German Shepherd named Kodi, two grandyorkies

Favorite sport(s): high school & college football and basketball, professional 

Someone I would like to meet: Andy Griffith

Two favorite movies: Too Type A to sit through a movie but if forced it would 
be anything with Clint Eastwood

Favorite TV show: Do you have to ask

Two pet peeves: animal abuse, people who use "your" when they should use 
"you're" when writing

Hobbies (besides TAGS): guns (yes I'm from the South), shooting, computer

Thanks,  Bob

Thanks,  Bob

WBMUTBB mailing list
  • Bio Bob James
    • Bio kim
    • Bio dewey lamb
    • Bio davebaugh1
    • Bio Janet Anderson
    • Bio Daniel Santos
    • BIO Bentle, Margaret
    • Bio Sue Doughty
    • Bio Sheryl McBride
    • Bio Julie Bowers

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