Harriet,  My grandmother was a pickle making expert who'se expertise I'd put up 
against your Ph.D professor any day.  People used to come from miles around 
just to hear my grandmother talk about puttin' up a pickle.  Just kidding, but 
she did make great dill, sweet and bread and butter pickles.  My grandfather 
grew the cucumbers and she did the pickling.  I'm not sure what method they 
used but the pickles were usually pretty uniform in size.  Those are day I 
miss.  Going down in Grandma's basement for a jar of whatever you might want.  
If you could can it, my grandmother could put it in a jar and everything home 
grown.  Every vegatable you can imagine, tomato and grape juice, pickles and 
one of my favorites as a boy, pickled beets.  I have not had a good pickled 
beet since my grandmother got too old to can.  I guess I think about this now 
because two weeks ago would have been her 109th birthday.  Grandma fed us all 
Ken, I know what you mean about your first car.  My family never had the nicest 
car around either.  In the early 60's we had a German Ford called a Taunus.  
Ugly little thing.  My senior year in high school, my father let me have his 
old 1965 Rambler 770 Classic 2 door hard top.  It hadn't run in 6 months and I 
had to work to get the money to get it going.  $200 later I was tooling down 
the road in a copper colored beauty that others thought terrible.  It had a 287 
V-8 with a 3 speed on the column transmission.  It burnt a quart of oil a week, 
had no lock on the trunk, would occasionaly get stuck in first gear and the 
only window that rolled up and down on it's own was the front passenger 
window.  The others had to be pulled or pushed by hand.  I doubt that car still 
exists, but if it did I would love for someone to contact me and send a 
picture.  I'd love to have it back.  That was a nice thing you did getting in 
touch with those previous
Here's the link with a picture of a 65 Rambler 770 Classic.  Just imagine it in 
a copper or bronze color.  I never figured out exactly what that color was.
Harry in Salem, VA
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