Dear Tags,I enjoyed looking at the behind the scenes of the unknown character 
of TAGS.  Every night in Birmingham, AL channel WTTO-21 CW shows TAGS from 10pm 
to 11pm CT.  They showedthe Gold Truck the other night, and I foundseveral 
bloopers, I was shocked at how manyI found.  I actually went to Youtube and 
foundthe episode and watched it.  When Andy firstpulls up to the courthouse and 
everyone is cheering, there is a man right in front of himthat looks like Nate 
Bracy from the Class Reunion.I saw him there, out in the audience down 
thestreet, standing by Aunt Bee and waving and cheering when Andy would speak.  
There was 2 ladies that had umbrellas next to where Aunt Beewas and then when 
Andy told everyone to go homeAunt Bee was not there.  Jud or Choney, the older 
man was everywhere too.And I don't understand why didn't Gomer just go and put 
Regis's sign and lean it against the wall.
Also, was watching Ozzie and Harriet Nelson showthe other morning and I could 
not believe who was one of their neighbors!  Mrs. Mendlebright.The actress that 
played Mrs. Mendlebright was much younger looking, in a nice dress and it wasso 
nice to see her in modern clothes and youngerlooking.  Also, when Andy opened 
the Coin OperatedLaundermat, when he sold it to the guy who hadhis eye on it 
ever since he opened it up, he told Aunt Bee that he got back exactly what he 
put intoit.  Remember when Howard was going to buy theBarber Shop and rent it 
out to Floyd and the bankertold Floyd that Howard was entitled to 5 percent.Why 
didn't Andy get at least 5 to 10 percent overwhat he had put into the 
Laundermat?  He wasat least entitled to that.   Always went whoa! whenAndy 
gently tossed the shotgun on the couch.I am afraid of guns and was always 
taught to treatthem loaded, always.   
Howard: How bout you dear?Millie: Ah, it all sounds so dull...let's see...I'll 
have ah, shrimp cocktail, and a porterhouse steak, au gratin potatoes, and a 
celery hearts and probablyfudge layer cake, I'll see. Millie: Is there anything 
wrong dear?  
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.                 
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