Vic,   don't forget about the vacation that Barney suggested Andy take.  Wasn't 
he supposed to go visit one of the "rabiit girl" clubs?  Also I  think Barney's 
suggested trip included a place in Florida with an Alligator swamp.  (or was 
that the great dismal swamp?)

My mind is a little foggy right now and I am a half-world away from my 
DVDs..literally.  As I write this we are on kind of a differnt vacation 
outsleves.  We are in Seoul Korea exploring the land where my adopted daughter 
was born.   I'm doing ok even though we didn't bring any canned goods and I 
don't speak of word of Asian.

Its sure great to escape back to Mayberry for a few minutes thought the Digest. 
 I met a lady yesterday who runs a Chiness Restaurant  on an Island  (yes in 
South Korea).  She said that she took it over when someone else decided to 
close it.  I thought of course of our Aunt Bee.

Great to hear from you Allan.  I like your ideas and focus.  I enjoy reading 
the Digest evert day but we seem to often venture off topic.

 The Untrained Voice

Don't worry about any crank violin players here.. They don't tip here.

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