While watching TCM this Sunday afternoon, I made a TAGS sighting.   I saw that 
alumni of the show Ronnie Dapo in the movie "Kisses For My President"  starring 
Fred McMurry and Polly Bergen.   In keeping with the new spirit of this site, 
that is all I am going to tell you.   But I will give a great big prize to the 
person who knows what the name of the character was that Ronnie Dapo played on 
Andy.  Hint, he played the same character in two different shows.    No fair 
cheating and looking it up on IMDB.  I will have to take your word for it.
Orville Hendricks - The Butter and Egg Man from Mt. Pilot.   I'm Orville 
Hendricks, I have always been Orville Hendricks.  If I were not Orville 
Hendricks, I would have to just be myself.   (You don't suppose that Ken 
Anderson tells everyone, "I am dressed up like Don Knotts" do you)?             
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