How long have I been a fan of Andy?

 When I was a small boy, one of our family's favorite Monday Night show was 
"Make Room For Daddy".   We hardly ever missed it.   I can still recall to this 
very day the night we saw the episode where Danny Williams was arrested in 
Mayberry.   I thought that was the funniest show I had ever seen.  I can still 
recall my daddy laughing until tears came to his eyes.   "You look at my name 
on that license and you will see I am a somebody".   "I knowed you were a 
somebody right off".   "I never seen a car yet going down the road that wasn't 
being driven by somebody".
Orville Hendricks - Peddling Butter and Eggs in Mt. Pilot.   As funny at that 
show was, it just got twice as funny after they added Barney.                   
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