Our home in Eau Claire is slowly being transformed to a Christmas
Wonderland with our many Christmas trees, outdoor lights, and numerous
decorations.  Among the most prominent is my Hawthorne Mayberry Christmas
Village which is proudly displayed under our Christmas tree in our living
room.  This past summer my wife bought me a beautiful Lionel Polar Express
train which now circles Mayberry as we sit in the living room.  It is
especially enjoyable as our new kitten, Tillie, finds the train
fascinating.  While it slowly circles the tree she follows along behind it
and will occasionally stop to watch it pass through Mayberry.  Then she
once again gets under the tree and follows the train around the tree.  So
we have begun a new Christmas tradition.  I continue to have my other train
sets circling through my other Mayberry Hawthorne Village down in our
family room, so the spirit of Mayberry is found throughout our entire house.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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