>From Ron Green Jr., staff writer for the News and Observer, Raleigh  NC:
When my 8-year old nephew saw an image of Andy Griffith on the computer  
screen Tuesday, he stopped and said, "Hey, Andy Griffith."
What other 86 year old entertainer would an 8 year old recognize?
It speaks in a small way to who Andy Griffith was, not just to my boomer  
generation, but to seemingly every generation that celebrated the Fourth of 
July  on Wednesday.  He was Andy Taylor, the great American sheriff and  
Andy Taylor was a television creation, but what made him enduring is how  
much we wanted him to be real. Andy Griffith was real and though most of us 
knew  him only through the characters he played, I hope he was something like 
the  sheriff who didn't carry a gun.
When the news came that Andy - if you're born in North Carolina, you're  
born on a first name basis with Mr. Griffith - had passed away in Manteo, I 
felt  it. Maybe you did, too.
He had that kind of effect on many of us.
"The Andy Griffith Show" went off the air more than 50 years ago but it has 
 lived on through syndication, the rare television show that can be shared 
by  three generations. It was about Barney Fife and Opie, Ernest T. Bass and 
Aunt  Bea, Helen Crump and Thelma Lou.
At its heart, though, it was about Andy. Andy Griffith did many things in  
his career but he is best remembered fro being the sheriff of an imaginary 
town  where most of the trouble was caused by Barney. 
Andy Taylor wasn't perfect but he set a nearly perfect example for Opie and 
 the rest of us. It was simple but it felt right. 
Think about this: How rare is it to come across an Andy Griffith episode  
you don't remember? 
To borrow a line from perhaps the best  episode of "The Andy Griffith  
Show," a lot of heats feel empty today.
But don't our memories seem nice and full!
Submitted by Welford TheCameraNut....
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