Hey Mayberry!

Mr. Weaver (a.k.a. TAGSRWC Presiding Goober Jim Clark) just let me know
that there will be a 2013 Andy Griffith Show Wall Calendar!!!

Head over to Weaver's (http://WeaversDepartmentStore.com) and get yours
today.  Purchasing from Weaver's lends your support to The Andy Griffith
Show Rerun Watchers Club (TAGSRWC) and in turn helps to support The
eBullet.  Not only that but TAGSRWC supports all the other Mayberry related
events around the country using money from sales at Weaver's.

Please support TAGSRWC with your purchases from Weaver's.  It's the only
source of revenue for TAGSRWC and without your support, many of the things
that folks think are "free".....well....they aren't.

Remember, Mr. Weaver digs you so you be nice and dig him back.   Amazon has
enough money. :)


2013 Andy Griffith Show Wall Calendar
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