Today is Sunday and so many families are gathering around their dining room 
table for Sunday dinner.   It got me to thinking that almost every person in 
Mayberry ate at Andy's house one time or another.   Floyd and Clara ate with 
the new doctor.   The Darlings hollered while they were eating.   Goober ate 
spaghetti.   Gomer ate several times while he was the house guest.  Barney ate 
there to try to get fatter.  Even Fred Goss partook of a meal.   As a matter of 
fact, it is easier to try to remember which regular did not eat with Andy than 
remember all the ones that did.How many regulars can you think of who were not 
shown eating with Andy? Orville Hendricks - Butter and Egg Man From Mt. Pilot.  
  I never ate at the Taylor house, but I supplied the butter and eggs for the 
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