Just a thought....but why doesn't someone come up with a Mayberry  
Subdivision somewhere? Design it on the basis of the town of Mayberry, 
stores and homes, and you know something? There would be a total sellout in 
the  first week!!  And what a place to visit!! Why, the hotel may have to be  
expanded! And Sarah would have to hire an extra switchboard operator!! Poor  
lady, she never had a day off in all those years, and worked around the 
clock!  And who did her grocery shopping for her? Who looked after it on Sunday 
during  church hours, or was it just shut down?  And where was the fire 
department?  Small towns always had a volunteer fire department so where was 
Oh...you s'pose the switchboard was located in Sarah's bedroom, or another  
room of her home so she could get to it quickly no matter the time of  day??
Hmmmmmm.....just sittin' here with my bucket....thankin' of thangs!!
Welford TheCameraNut
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  • 40 acres CTMIDWAY58

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