In response to Message: 3 (Victor yesterday)
I don't know if this subject has ever been discussed ...but have you ever 
wondered what some of these unseen gals of Mayberry might have looked 
like....Sarah, Phoebe Gilbert, Juanita at the diner, and who was that gal Doug 
Wash was accused of flirting with, then there was "The Beast of the 4th floor", 
Jeff Pruitt's girl friend Bertha, Vicky Harms, Alice Harper, Laura Lee Hobbs, 
...I know there are others but that's a start...ever wonder what they looked 
like..might be fun to pick a couple and describe them
Here's Sarah:
and Juanita:

I'm still researching the others' pictures, it might be I need bigger wires.

-Gary A. Johnson-
Chicken Thieves & Whatnot Chapter
Lubbock (near Kelsey's Woods), Texas
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