In the episode "Opie and the Carnival",Opie,Andy,and Goober all take turns 
shooting theguns with the bent sights,unbeknowest to them.Goober has this 
quirky little thing he doesbefore shooting the gun...he dabs his thumb against 
his tongue and then rubs his thumbagainst the sight.Anyone know why he would do 
this?Is this a trait known to a certain partof the USA or just something the 
writers came up with? Dewey in NC Ketchup is excellent for cleaning 
brass,especially tarnished or corroded brass....might even work removing the 
mold from Asa's bullets.                                        
It's takes the glare off of the site.  If you've ever seen the movie "Sergeant 
York" with Gary Cooper as the lead, he does the same thing.  Except Goober 
doesn't go "gobble gobble" before squeezing the trigger.

A li'l bit o'Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

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