Point One: Yes, folks, I am real.  But I am from some wheres else.  Maybe
Canada.  What do you think?

Point Two: As for the sets being moved around, that is probably either a
poltergeist or my friend the Count.  They both can be rather pesty beings.

Now for Point Three:  Whilst I was working today one of our cashiers, who
happens to be 81 years old, came up to me and told me that Opie went
through her lane yesterday.  I thought she meant a little kid who looked
like Opie.  But she said "No, it was Ron Howard."  She claimed she told the
guy that he was Ron Howard and he didn't say anything but just smiled with
a twinkle in his eye. I kind of chuckled and asked her what Ron Howard
would be doing in Eau Claire at Festival Foods doing grocery shopping?  She
got rather perturbed with me and she said, "He is probably looking for a
place to have a new movie."  Now she was dead serious folks. She really
thinks Ron Howard went through her lane.  She told me she called her family
and told them all about it.  Funny thing, no one else in the store noticed
him. So if anyone happens to know if Ron Howard was in Eau Claire,
Wisconsin on Thursday, March 7, please send me the official verification so
I can put my mind at ease.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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