I just finished watching one of my favorite episodes, "The Class Reunion".
 It is one of my favorites as I can identify with Andy so much when he and
Sharon are debating about what size fish they wanted to be.  When I began
my teaching career in 1967 I made a very conscious decision that I would
never teach in a large town.  Growing up in a small village of 560 people I
knew that I wanted to spend my life in that type of setting.  My brother
and sister, however, could not wait to move out of our "hick town" and
neither was ever to return to a small town.  I, on the other hand, spend my
36 years of teaching in small towns.  Although I taught in four different
towns, none was larger than 1000 people.  Like Andy, I found what I wanted
in small towns and I did not need to move to a big city in order to find
what I already had.  I loved knowing all the people in town.  I loved
stopping in at the small diners and having coffee with my friends and
neighbors.  I enjoyed so much going to church on Sunday mornings and
sitting among my neighbors and students.  I enjoyed the small town
festivals, the bizarres ( some with bingo ) and I especially loved sitting
on my front lawn and greeting everyone who walked by.

Our car show and parade season has begun and we are getting many
invitations to attend various events.  Our number one consideration when we
decide whether or not to accept, is how big is the town.  We have turned
down some events at large towns and cities in order to attend a small town
festival in a town of 500 people.  But that is just who I am.  I have
nothing against larger towns.  Eau Claire is almost 70,000 and it is a
great place to live.  But my heart is still in the small towns everywhere.
At least when I dine out in small towns I don't have to point to the items
on my menus hoping to learn a couple of new words.
Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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