Could this be the most extreme ( lets call it a fabrication ) on TAGS ?

Near the end of the episode " Mans Best Friend "; Goober tells Tommy (when 
Tommy is asking for the phone number of the man with a horse ) that HE DIDNT 
HAVE A PENCIL HANDY and told the number to his dog ( the one that could talk ). 
So Goober was asking Spot the dog for the number. Can you imagine Goober not 
having something to write with ??? Is there any other exteme " fabrications"  
on TAGS that you can think of ?

Also this is another momentary suspension of disbelief scene, I still like to 
point them out. Opie was explaining that the walkie talkies transmit button had 
to be pushed to transmit and released to recieve, it makes you wonder how Spot 
operated the thing !


Lexingon NC

Less than one hour from Mayberry
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