Chris, welcome to the wonderful world of posting on WBMUTBB.    You say you 
have been reading the posts for a while, so if you have ever read any of Ken 
Anderson's posts, then you know it is practically impossible to not do it 
correctly.   Just remember "keep your words kind and sweet, because tomorrow 
those words you might have to eat".    That is not original with me.    Stay 
away from politics, because "How I vote, mister, is my business".    Other than 
that, just have at 
Orville Hendricks - The Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man.    Martha said I could 
not mention her name any more when I post.    So from now on, I am just gonna 
say Mrs. X, who I am married to.  That will keep her identity a 
> I've never posted in here before, but have been reading the daily posts for 
> quite a few years now so I hope I did this correctly. 
> Scout/ Chris J. 
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