
You don't have to post this and maybe you better not, just thought you'd
find it interesting and will only increase your faith. Like it did mine.
That's a good thing right?

 Earlier this year I started studying Leviticus in a group with an orthodox
rabbi. He claimed there was no such thing as a white lie.

Ok I could except that coming from the orthodox Judaism viewpoint. After all
I was raised in NY where there were many conservative Jews around me.

But then when he insisted that God actually caused the holocaust, and not
just allowed it to happen, well that's when I left the group in dismay, and
realized why so many Jews had given up that faith. Then I also recalled that
the orthodox Jews are still waiting for their savior, realizing that
orthodox viewpoint. 

Did some more review thinking related to what they taught me about Jesus in
Catecism. It all came together once again and firmedup even more my faith,
in Jesus. 


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