We in Hot Springs AR. are blessed to have four episodes per day of  the 
beloved AGS.  Tonight was just about my favorite episode.  That adorable Mrs. 
Mendelbright was very upset that Barney was cooking in his room on the hot 
She and her new roomer were toasting their upcoming financial merger with 
the aged cider that Barney left in his room when she said:" Excuse me, I have 
to go get my shatsel."  A few seconds later she corrected herself and said 
the adorable word "valoose." 
The other episodes were about Andy and Helen buried in the mine cave-in,  
Thelma Lou's cousin Mary Grace blind dating with Gomer, and the all "A" 
report card mistakenly given to Opie by Miss Crump.  What gems.  

Marie Moore Hot Springs AR.
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