Yep, I done been gone outta town fer a while and left my woods alone.   Old 
friend Charlie crossed over the river to rest on the other side so saddled  
up my mule, went up on t'other side of the state line a ways to go say So 
Long  to Charlie.  Old  Charlie had knowed me since I was borned way back in  
aught 36 and has been a fambly friend since he were a baby!! His farm and 
my  pa's farm adjointed, so they knowed one another a long time. 'Course now, 
Pa he  done went on, back in '80.
Any how, I done made it back to the woods and just to let Harriet the  
chicken thief know, and Ernest T and Otis as well, I gonna take a walk around  
the woods with by faithful old double barrel 12 gauge shootin' iron adn see  
iffen I can't clean up the mess some folks done left behind!! Don't mind ya  
comin' into tha woods, jes clean up yer mess when you leave!  Now Y'all  
have a good day, y'hear?
Old Man Kelsey
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