Mr. Smith in Andy's Rival

 I think Andy's "jealousy" was first instigated by Aunt Bee. At the start of
the episode Andy is relaxed and doesn't seem to show any jealousy at all
towards Frank, and even comments on Franks "sophistication" without emotion
to Bee.  Bee keeps at it. Then Goober reinforces it through his own fear
when Andy is talking with him at the garage. Then Opie comes into the
courthouse and  brags about Mr. Smith and even Sara mentions him on the
phone.  Poor Andy, he then succumbs to all of it and becomes a victim of
self projection of other peoples insecurities. It's just not his nature to
begin with. It manifests into him behaving like a fool and out of fear that
he let others project onto him. Helen is just being hospitable and is no
more friendly with Mr. Smith than any of the other men in Mayberry. From
what I have observed anyway. Even when Helen breaks her date with Andy to
work on the grading manual, Andy keeps his perspective again. Then comes the
scene at the diner. I do think there was a level of intimate friendship
between Helen and Frank and that it was totally possible is was and can be
purely platonic. Helens awkwardness was due to the fact that they were at
the diner and it looked more social than business, which is what she told
Andy over the phone. I think that would have happened even if Frank was on
the opposite side of the booth. Goober then exacerbated the feelings of
awkwardness with his comments. It all just kind of snowballed from there and
was blown all out of proportion because of people letting their imaginations
run. Helen ends up straitening Andy out and at the same time making him
realize she cares enough about the whole situation and because she gets very
upset. That shows to me as it did Andy she cares about him more than Frank.
The lesson here is not so much about jealousy so much as it is about how
others can self project onto you, causing you to think or behave in the way
they do, but only if you let them.

So many times I'd love to hear what the writters were aiming at since I
could be wrong.

Patty Haley

" Millie "

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