>>>I know that Mayberry was in the South but can anybody remember a TAGS 
episode where they got a big snowstorm or even had snow on the grass.<<<
I don't think there was ever any snow in Mayberry, but in the Christmas episode 
they tried to indicate that it was cold out.  Everybody was wearing coats or 
jackets.  Ben Weaver didn't wear an overcoat, but he did wear gloves.  In the 
scene where ol' Ben tries to steal the bench from the courthouse, Andy, Barney, 
and Ellie run out of the courthouse without coats.  Now, Andy and Barney act 
like they are not bothered by any cold, but Ellie wraps her arms around herself 
as though trying to keep warm.  I thought this was a good touch on Elinor 
Donahue's part and gave a colder, more Christmassy feel to the show.  It's a 
little detail, but I think it helped the scene.  Don't know if anyone else ever 
took particular notice of that.
Thelma Lou
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