Smoking was one negative about Andy. Of course it was much more common then. It is weird now to watch those old shows and see so many actors smoking. It occurred on almost every show such as TAGS, Dick Van Dyke and Lucy to name a few. Andy smoked in different places- on the porch, in bed ( bad Andy!), at the court house and at Quiet Sam's house after he delivered the baby. Barney smoked a cigar. Otis, Mr Goss and man in a hurry all smoked as well
While on the subject of smoking, on what episode was there a reference to marijuana? I know that is probably an easy one for many TAGS fans, but is kind of curious that such a reference would have been made on the show.

Here is another unrelated trivia question. What actor, who later became famous on "Laugh In", appeared on one episode of TAGS?

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