When I was writing a post about my high school reunion, I inadvertently hit
the send button when I meant to send it the draft folder so I could finish
it later.  Thus my post ended in mid sentence;  Here is what I intended to
I will be attending my High School 50 year class reunion back in my
hometown in September.  I have been asked to do my Mayberry Memories
presentation to my class.  What an honor!  But it has me a bit worried.
 One of the girls who I dated for quite a while will be there with her
husband.  I mean, I don't want to wreck a marriage.  Can you imagine her
reaction when she sees me in my uniform.  I still remember a note she
passed to me in study hall one day,"The tears on my pillow bespeak the pain
that is in my feet."  Good old Judy wrote that to me the day after I took
her to a dance at school.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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