Many will remember the song sung by the gypsies who visited Mayberry, which 
went like this:

Through the forest, wild and free,
Sounds our gypsy melody;
Ever dancing, as they say,
None so merry, and none so gay. 

I had always assumed this little ditty was written for this episode, but I 
recently learned that it's actually from a 1929 musical called The Fortune 
Teller, written by Victor Herbert and Harry B. Smith. The original lyric was 
"... Magyar melody," (meaning Hungarian) but on TAGS it was changed to "gypsy 
melody."  The title of the song is Romany Life, and you can find performances 
of it on YouTube. 

Btw the gypsy "queen" in the episode was played by Argentina Brunetti, who is 
probably best known for her role as Mrs. Martini in a certain beloved Christmas 
movie from 1946. 

Paul Mulik
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