Ken, After racking my brain for at least 2 minutes, the only picture taking I 
can remember is when the would-be bank robbers posed as the award bestowing FBI 
Agent and the newspaper reporter covering the story.  Barney's fast draw had 
never been successfully photographed.  All they were able to get was sort of a 
blur.  Of course, we all know special agents with the FBI never allow 
themselves to be photographed.  As soon as I finished typing this, I remembered 
Barney's hidden camera taking his picture when Wally's Fillin Station was 
experiencing the robberies.
Otherwise, the only photos I remember are the ones already taken.  Floyd's 
touched up photo he sent to Madeline Grayson, Barney's photos in the Gazette 
and Andy's high school and baby pictures.
Harry in Salem, VA.
P.S.  Just typing the words Fillin Station reminded me of a funny but true old 
story.  A friend's sister married a young man from up north (Michigan).   
      Soon after the marriage, they came to visit her parents in a rural area 
near here.  On Saturday morning the young lady's father announced he was going 
down to the 'fillin station'.  The new son-in-law asked if he could go along.  
When the young lady commended him for wanting to spend time with his 
father-in-law, he said, "it's not that.....I just want to see what a fillin 
station is".

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