Here is a new trivia question for your potential amusement. There are many 
folks in and around Mayberry who have been given nicknames beginning with "Old 
Man" so-and-so. Sometimes these nicknames are disrespectful, other times they 
seem to be a sort of badge of honor. 

So here is the challenge: list the names of folks mentioned on TAGS who have 
the world "old" in front of their name.

If someone is just said to be old, like in "Man, that Ken Anderson is OLD," 
that doesn't count. Also, if the word "old" is not followed by a name (as in 
"that old buzzard") that does not count either. 

But if someone says "Old Man Anderson" or "Old Ken Anderson," then that does 
count. Note that the second word need not be "man."  It can be "Old Man ... " 
or "Old Lady ... " or "Old Captain ... " or anything like that. Go!

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

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