>>>Clara cleaned up the entire house in the time it took Andy & Opie to go get 
>>>Aunt Bee at the bus station! Pretty fast cleaning! >>>

Actually she just cleaned up the one room. All she really had to do was pick up 
the clutter; there would have been no need to dust, vacuum, etc. 

One more thing about the Nathan Tibbs business: if Otis was truly his 
descendant, then his brother Ralph Campbell was as well, so the ladies were in 
error when they concluded there was only one descendant. Who knows how many 
cousins, nephews, etc. Otis may have had — there could have been dozens. It is 
mentioned in The Case of the Punch in the Nose that Mr. Foley and Otis were 
kin, so maybe Foley was also a result of all that begetting. 

Paul Mulik
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