I had a very enjoyable nostalgic Father's Day in my small hometown where we
returned to be part of their annual Dorchester Days Parade and Car Show.
I was able to visit with many people who I have known for over 60 years.  I
met the son of one of my classmates and six of his grandchildren and they
were so excited to learn that "Barney" went to school with Grandpa.  Of
course they all received deputy badge stickers and I even gave their dad a
citation, much to their delight.

I gave the Police Chief a citation for illegal parking.  When we were
visiting later in the day we discovered that he was in my class when I did
my student teaching in Dorchester in 1967.  I met his new deputy.  When I
was living there we had a constable with no squad car, no gun, no uniform,
and no badge.  Now there are two full time officers each fully armed
 wearing body protection gear.  Can't believe how the world has changed in
my lifetime.

For the past four years 100% of all my receipts for my Mayberry activities
is donated to the Dorchester Library.  I designate my donations to go to
the historical display section of the library.  We were given a special
tour today so we could see all the updates.  What a thrill that was.  I saw
so many things that were a part of my life as a child.  Numerous things
from our school, items from all the various shops that were once there, and
military displays which included uniforms of veterans who were my neighbors
and classmates.

So all in all it was a very emotionally packed day.  And tonight I am sure
that the tears that are on my pillow will bespeak the pain that is in my

The scary part was that today I talked to many people who had little ones
under a year old.  I told my wife on the way home that if those little ones
live to be 85 years old, as are many of our friends, they will turn 85 in
the year 3000.  Now that is almost beyond comprehension for a guy who was
born in 1946.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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