>>>While watching the great movie, Judgment at Nurenburg, there were some of  
the great actors in it, Spencer Tracy and Burt Lancaster, we all  
know....Montgomery Clift is well known as is Werner Klemperer....Col. Klink, 
son  of 
famous composer Otto Klemperer....and one looked very familiar....who was  
that man!!?? The face is so familiar....oh my, that's Mr. Schwamp!!! He was 
only  on screen for a few seconds, maybe 30 or so, but I am positive it was 
him! And  he spoke!!<<<
Well, I've never heard of Mr. Schwamp being sighted in "Judgment at Nuremburg" 
before, and I've even watched it twice.  I'll have to pull out my DVD and watch 
it again to see if I can spot him.  Do you know about how far along in the 
movie or in what scene he appears?
Thelma Lou
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