Ol' Man Kelsey here....sorry to have been so long outta  circkalation, but 
done had my hand chopped on by the doc. Says my trigger finger  was 
a'needin' some fixin', so he done that. Couple days later my back done  slipped 
outta jernt and man, do it hurt! Yestiddy it done took me almos' a whole  hour 
just to get outta my chair! Been usin' a hot pad behind her last night and  
today and I think maybe it be doing some better, but it shore do hurt!  An'  
I keeps hearin' chickens down in the woods! I bet Harriet done gone back in  
hidin' and took some a'them cluckers with her!  Leastwise, she got aigs to  
eat and fried chicken if need be!
Y'all a'have yerselves 'til I can get back circkalatin' agin  and take care 
Ol' Man Kelsey watchin' over the woods and the  ocean!
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