I would like to share my experience I had last night at a "National Night
Out" event at the town where I taught for thirty years.

While I had a great time seeing many old friends and former students and
interacting with many kids who came to see the car and talk with me, it was
a very disappointing experience in another way.

There were seven police vehicles there with various police officers.  I
could not park my car with them.  I had to park with the fire department
vehicles, which I thought was a bit unusual.  As the night progressed I
realized not one single police officer came over to talk with me or look at
my squad car.  In fact by the time we left, three hours later, not one of
them talked with me or looked at my car.  They were all fairly young
officers and were definitely the "macho" type, but I still think they could
have at least said hello to me and taken a quick peak at the car even if
they were not interested.

Here in Eau Claire we have a large police department and sheriff's
department as we are the county seat.  Last year I contacted them regarding
coming to their National Night Out and they did not want me to take part.
They felt it was not appropriate and it would only confuse the kids when it
came to police matters.

When I visit other communities for parades and car shows I am always
greeted very warmly by the local police departments.  In fact I have
developed a very good rapport with all of the surrounding community
officers.  So it really bothered me tonight when I was given "the big
freeze".  I thought about contacting someone and mentioning this, but I
have decided not to make a big "moulage" out of it and just let it go.

Could be I am just sensitive.  My mother was like that.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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