I just re-watched The Wedding twice, and when Howard's mother and new
stepdad drive away in their car, you can see that the Taylor Home appears
to be three houses away.  The porch is very evident, albeit plain without
furniture.  I'm sure this was done so as to disguise the location of
Howard's residency.

It was mentioned to make a Mayberry quilt for donation at Mayberry Days.
While that is a wonderful suggestion, it is a mighty lofty endeavor.  I am
a true novice, but I have discovered the time and money that goes into
materials.  By the time I get my quilt back from the long arm quilt
business, I will have close to $1,000 in labor and materials due to the
special novelty fabric purchased, the special quilt design requested, and
the batting, backing, and binding to be done.  That being said, I know that
this is for a fundraiser, which I'm all in favor of.  SO - I will volunteer
to make a smaller version of my quilt (such as a wall hanging or lap
blanket highlighting episodes of the show) and have it quilted and donate
it for a raffle at Mayberry Days in September.  I plan to attend in person
with one of my Blood Brothers, so we can hand-deliver it.  I will wait to
hear from "The Man" before I begin any kind of construction. Thank you.

Johnna Clarke
Blood Brothers in Missouri
WBMUTBB mailing list

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