> Maybe the reason she didn't or couldn't take the food home has to do

> with health regulations.?

We're talking fantasy 60s TV, not current real life in the USA. There wouldn't 
be anything to prevent Aunt Bee from taking home the food for Andy and Opie, 
other than maybe the crew chowed down after the tapping.  Since it's implied 
that the film set provided the food, I doubt she would have been allowed to 
take it home with her.  Plus they have to have one dish already cooked and 
ready to present as it had just come out of the oven, which on cooking shows we 
know doesn't happen. They aren't going to have a show when the dish requires an 
hour in the oven and there you sit waiting, watching and waiting. Call it trick 
photography if you will.....

I've listened to interviews with the actors from The Waltons, and while it's 
not the same, it is in a way. They spoke of how often the family or several 
members of the family were eating n scenes in the shows. The actors actually 
got tired of munching down the food after so many takes. LOL And once you know 
that, when watching the show, it's easy to see their pained faces when they 
have to take a bite to look like they are enjoying a family meal together. And 
they said, after scenes were finished tapping, the crew would descend on the 
set and grab whatever was out in serving dishes.

No regulations, local or federal. would come into play in a comedy sitcom, 
unless it was part of a particular plot of an episode or the continued theme 
from one week to the next.

Harriet, the chicken thief
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