Joe, "Script Continuity" refers to a single script, the script they are 
working on at the present time.    Back in the 60's, very little thought was 
given to the script from show to show.    Their thinking was that most people 
would forget the little inconsistencies that occurred from year to year, since 
there were no DVR's or the such.

You have to remember these shows were not filmed all at one time.    A single 
scene might last for 2 days, and the job of the script continuity was to make 
sure the Sheriff's desk looked the same today as it did yesterday.

Here is an example of a time the script continuity man fell down on the job.    
In Season 1, Episode 7, "Andy The Matchmaker" when Barney comes into the 
courthouse to resign, he starts to turn in all of his equipment.     There are 
a pair of handcuffs hanging from his left pants pocket.    When Opie enters the 
courthouse (obviously filmed some time later) the handcuffs have mysteriously 
disappeared.    It was the job of the script continuity person to make sure 
that Barney was dressed the same for the second scene as the first scene.

Orville Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man

Since I have a lot of questions, here's another - every episode of "TAGS"
has a person listed in the credits at the end with the title of "Script
Continuity".  I've always wondered exactly what this means, since there are
a number of things in the scripts which aren't consistent.  For example:
Barney's years of service (5 vs. 10); whether Barney and Andy are cousins
(or just best friends); the distance from Mayberry to Mount Pilot; and
whether Mayberry is a village, town, or city (it was called all 3 in
different episodes).

None of these are really that significant - but I'm just curious what the
responsibilities of a "script continuity" crew member are(were).

Joe Suszczynski
Grand Island, NY

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