While perusing through our Roku, I found an Andy Griffith movie available
on Amazon Prime for free.  In "Strangers in 7A", Andy and his wife (played
by Ida Lupino) are held captive by bank robbers.  It was difficult at first
seeing Andy "tempted" by the lady, but since this was filmed in 1972, it
was rather tame in comparison of today, of course.  It wasn't the best
movie I've seen, but we did like it.

Also, I've been watching "The Lucy Show" on Hulu, and it's amazing how many
TAGS actors are on there.  In one episode there was Nice Dress Nellie,
Amanda (Janet Waldo), and in the episode where Lucy and Viv become Fire
fighters, one of the lady fire fighters was the gal who Barney thought Jeff
Pruitt wanted to meet (when Jeff really wanted to meet Thelma Lou).  It's
fun to be a trained noticer of another show and watch for TAGS connections.

Johnna Clarke
Blood Brothers Chapter, Missouri
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