I was washing my squad car today getting ready for a car show when an Eau
Claire Police Car pulled up to our house.  Two police officers came up to
me and introduced themselves.  The one officer was training a new rookie,
Hmong officer, who was not at all familiar with TAGS.  He wanted the new
officer to meet me.  So they spent about 20 minutes with me talking about
TAGS and Mayberry.  The Hmong officer, whose family came from Laos, of
course had no idea what TAGS was all about.  But he sure did by the time
they left.

Two days ago at a car show a gentleman came up to me and handed me his
business card.  It said he was a U.S. Marshal.  He said he had seen my car
around the city and he always wanted to meet me and talk about TAGS.

Last night I went to the visitation for a 95 year old friend who died.  It
was at a new big funeral home where I had never been.  I walked in the door
and the funeral director walked up to me and said, "Hey, you're the
Mayberry Guy". For a minute I thought he had me mixed up with the "My
Pillow Guy".  He then told me that if I ever wanted to go to Mt. Airy, I
should let him know and he would drive me there.  But I don't know.  I was
afraid to ask if I would have to ride in the back of his hearse.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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