Thank you to all who helped out again with this year's WBMUTBB Silent Auction - 
donating items, helping on Saturday, and bidding. We raised $4,795.75 which is 
the second highest total in the 20 silent auctions we've had! All of the 
proceeds from our chapter's annual community service project go to the Surry 
Arts Council to support Mayberry Days.
I'll second Maryann's special thank you to Dewey Lamb for once again bringing a 
car load (literally) of GREAT items for this year's auction. It is always fun 
to see the creative things he makes and how popular they are. Dewey - you're a 
prince. I real prince.
I have to share a story I was told on Saturday night - two ladies were bidding 
on a box full of Dewey's items and the price was getting really high until one 
of them had to bow out. She was disappointed that she did not get the one thing 
in the box she wanted - the bottle of Colonel Harvey's Indian Elixor. At the 
hotel, she ran into the woman who she was frantically bidder against her later 
that morning and after talking about the auction, the women went back to her 
room, got the bottle and gave it to her as a gift. The Mayberry spirit is alive 
and well.
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