With all the discussions about Nice dress Nellie going on, I need to add 
something that I am hoping someone can confirm or set me straight on.Several 
years ago I was watching an episode of My Three Sons on our local PBS station. 
Actually I had just turned on the television and caught the last few minutes of 
an episode. And sitting there on the Douglas sofa was, I do believe, Nice Dress 
Nellie. I am almost certain it was her, but, the older I get, the less certain 
I am anymore about anything. But if it wasn't her, it was her twin. And here is 
the kicker. She spoke. And she spoke with a very powerful accent. Not sure were 
she was from and if the accent was real or just the actress of the woman. I 
mentioned on Allan's old Bulletin Board, but never got much response on it.So I 
am wondering if anyone here has ever seen the episode I am talking about? I 
don't have a season number or episode number so it is going to take a MTS fan 
to know for sure.Anyone?
Asa T Breeney MBG  
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