I somehow stumbled online into a 1990 episode of "It's Garry Shandling's
Show" entitled "The Day Howard Moved In", and was really pleasantly
surprised. The plot involves Howard Sprague from Mayberry, NC moving into a
condo in Sherman Oaks, California and spreading the magic of Mayberry to
the spoiled, rich residents of the condo community.

Garry Shandling might not be everybody's "cup of tea", but in my opinion he
was a comic genius. It's obvious that, as the guy in charge of the show,
and the co-writer, he had a soft spot in his heart for TAGS. Jack Dodson
was great in re-creating his Howard Sprague character in this episode, with
nice references to Andy, Helen and Aunt Bee. There's also a scene borrowed
from TAGS that all fans will recognize.

So here is the link I found, for anyone interested; the video quality isn't
the best, and for some reason, all the credits are reversed on the screen -
but those don't take away from the enjoyment of this episode.


P.S. To Thelma - I used to sign my posts to the Bulletin Board "Joe
Suszczynski, Grand Island, NY" but awhile ago I just shortened it to "Joe
from G.I." - so, no, I don't have a military background - unless you count
the 2 years I spent as a Civil Air Patrol cadet over 50 years ago!
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