(I tried sending this over a week ago, but I never saw it appear in the digest. 
 So I'm giving it another whirl.)

I just wanted to give my report on our Mayberry Days experience this year.  
Things have been quite hectic both at work and home, so forgive the week's 
delay.  I know a lot of people did not make it this year due to the pandemic 
who otherwise would have gone, but we made our lodging reservations, bought 
show tickets, and arranged for time off from work before the virus became a 
thing, so we decided to go ahead as planned.    We were only able to be in town 
Friday and Saturday, as it takes a full day of driving for us to get there and 
another to return home.

Friday's weather was poor -- cool and rainy off and on.  But jackets and 
umbrellas gave us some protection.  We attended the Mayor's Proclamation, where 
the lack of guest stars was evident.  Then we did some shopping on Main Street 
for Mayberry items (got a TAGS 60th anniversary mug with all 249 episodes 
listed on it and a similar T-shirt, among other things).  We also picked up our 
"Mayberry Man" merchandise.  Ray and I had lunch at The Loaded Goat, which was 
the first time we had eaten together in a sit-down restaurant since the 
lockdown in March.  We wore our masks until our food arrived (which was 
delicious!).  We had bought tickets for LeRoy McNees's show, but it was 
cancelled.  We took a squad car tour in the afternoon, a first for us.  We had 
always wanted to do it, but there are usually so many people wanting rides that 
it's hard to get in.  We figured the light attendance on Friday was a good 
opportunity, despite the dismal weather.  Larry was our driver and was very 
friendly and entertaining.  We stopped in at Opie's Candy Store afterwards and 
had ice cream.  If you are a chocolate fan, go there and get the Smoky Mountain 
Fudge.  It's wonderful!  Of course, we couldn't miss the World Championship 
Trivia contest.  I think this was the third time I've participated.    The 
questions this year in the qualifying round were pretty hard!  Many of them 
asked for names of unseen people mentioned only once in passing.  Those don't 
normally stick in your brain, and I didn't do any preparation at all for the 
contest.  Anyway, I got six right and came in fourth behind Jeff Gossett.  
Forget who the top two were.  Maybe someone can remind me.  They were the only 
ones who were allowed into the final round.  I didn't think about it until 
afterward, but we had no group photo for the WBMUTBB? chapter as we normally 
do, but I'm assuming this was because of the need for social distancing.  In 
the evening, we attended a show by Tim White and Troublesome Hollow (formerly 
the VW Boys).  We enjoyed the bluegrass music.  After the show, Ray bought two 
of their CD's and they threw in a free "Eat More Possum" bumper sticker.  I 
don't know if Ray will be brave enough to put it on his van!

The biggest disappointment was the cancellation of the parade on Saturday 
morning, so we lounged around and didn't come into the heart of town until 
lunch time.  It was a beautiful day, in much contrast to Friday.  In fact, it 
was the most pleasant weather we've ever experienced at Mayberry Days -- sunny 
but not hot and humid.  I figured attendance would still be sparse due to the 
parade being cancelled, but we were surprised at the large number of people 
strolling Main Street.  I'm sure the merchants were pleased!  Due to Covid 19 
restrictions, Prof. Brower's Lecture was divided into two shows, and we were 
assigned to the 3:00 show.  We got seats front and center.  Unfortunately, 
because no guest stars were present, Neal Brower didn't have anyone to 
interview, as is his custom, so he talked instead about how he came to be a 
TAGS fan, write a well-regarded book about the show (Mayberry 101), and teach a 
community college course on TAGS for many years.  He discussed how he came into 
contact with various people connected with the show and described some of his 
experiences with them.  It was really quite interesting.  After the lecture, we 
headed to the amphitheater for the annual meeting of TAGSRWC.  On our way, we 
stopped and purchased our official Mayberry Days shirts from the Surry Arts 
Council.  Since Jim Clark was absent this year, Allen ran the program.  Chapter 
reports were given, and some awards were handed out.  Eric Lowry (Mayor Pike) 
won the Mayberry Friendship Award, and Dewey Lamb won the Jim Schwenke Memorial 
Award.  Both were well deserved.  After we grabbed a bite to eat, Ray wanted to 
go back to Opie's for more ice cream.  I really was not hungry, but I made the 
sacrifice for his sake and had some more Smoky Mountain Fudge.  That evening, 
we attended the revamped version of Col. Tim's Talent Time, which was held at 
the Earle Theatre instead of The Andy Griffith Playhouse.  Since there were no 
guest stars to participate, the tribute artists took up the slack, and Michael 
Hoover (Elvis) had a bigger part of the show.  It was all very enjoyable.  My 
only quibble is that the last part of the show, where Michael performed, was 
all done on the floor instead of on the stage.  The stage at the Earle has 
steep steps and apparently has no backstage access, so I figured this is why 
Michael chose to stay on the floor.  However, it made it harder to see him and 
the others, and I imagine some people sitting farther back had even less of a 
view than we did.  Hopefully, Col. Tim's can return to the playhouse next year 
so that this is not an issue.

It's true that this year's Mayberry Days was sorely lacking in some ways -- the 
guest stars and parade were greatly missed -- but Mayberry Days is less about 
spectacle and more about people.  The tribute artists really stepped up to the 
plate and helped all of us enjoy the weekend.  We saw old friends and made new 
ones.  Ray and I are glad we went.  Thanks to all who made it a special and fun 

Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

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