I know, momentary suspension of disbelief.... but they play the parts so well. 
I was so angry at Andy for simply not going straight to Helen and asking her 
about her run in with the Kansas City Police.....but if he had done 
that...episode over. Then when Goober was letting the secret slip or should I 
say " pour out ", I wonder who was worse at keeping secrets, him or Barney with 
that gold shipment.  Then all those nice Mayberry school board members were 
going to let that nasty Mrs. Pendleton try to bury Helen before she got to even 
speak for herself. What if Andy hadn't entered the board meeting soon enough ? 
We will never know. Still mad at Andy for not simply asking Helen about her 
past, but Opie beat me to it and the end of the episode. Good advice from a son 
to his father. There was a lot of forgiveness in this episode, without it 
Mayberry would have been very divided for sure.

Lexington NC
Less than 1 hour from Mayberry.

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